See product pages for the starting prices & their respective order forms
Pricing for all framebags is determined by size, but not by the size labelled on your frame. There is a noticeable difference in the amount of effort and materials it takes to make a large bag compared to a small one. Frame shapes and sizes vary greatly across various bike brands. The Paper Roads sizing is determined below.
Full framebags:
- Your frame is Small size when the (X) + (Y) measurement is < 75cm
- Your frame is Standard size when the (X) + (Y) measurement is >/= 75cm but < 90cm
- Your frame is Large size when the (X) + (Y) measurement is >/= 90cm, but < 110 cm
- Your frame is XXL size when the (X) + (Y) measurement is >/=110cm
Your frame size will be calculated when I receive your template. You can use this guide to work out how much you'll spend.
Dual Suspension framebags:
Your bag's size & pricing falls under:
- Standard when the longest side* of your template is <55cm
- Large when the longest side* of your template is >/= 55cm but <60cm
- XXL when the longest side* of your template is >/=60cm
Your frame size will be calculated when I receive your template. You can use this guide to work out how much you'll spend.
* On Horizontal suspension bikes, the longest side is the bottom side. On Vertical suspension bikes, the longest side is the top side.
** For small dual suspension frames, it's recommended you get a 3-sided (triangular) framebag made instead of fitting a bag around your suspension – just order a full framebag